Professional Marketing Materials for Businesses & Non-Profits
Let us show your work in action.
Production Notes:
We offer studio set-ups with controlled lighting to craft high quality images. These pictures are suitable from tiny email icon pictures to billboards.
We can come to you! If you have a creative need such as a specific background or color scheme, we love working with you to get the details in order.
Book a SHoot OR aSK a qUESTION
Don’t Show stock photos on your website
Show who You are
Did You know?
Many Central Oregon businesses feature generic stock photography on their website and social media posts. This does not build relationship with your potential customers or let them start getting to know you. Trust is built through connection, and no one is connecting with a random stock photo.
Show your potential customers real versions of what you do.
Business Action & Candid Photos
WHen a Potential Client Visits your Website, will they see you doing what you do?
Showing your face is such an important part of building trust with clients. And short shoot can provide you with images you can use in marketing for years. We’ll give you tips, props and pointers to get great images.

What is a Shoot like?
We can give you ideas on…
Wardrobe (fitted clothes, jackets with buttons are a great start)
Color (let’s bring your brand together with the mood we’re shooting for)
Posing (pop the hip! chin down!)
After being on camera, nearly everyone says, “That was easy!”
Above all, we’ll help you be comfortable to put your best foot forward.
CURIOUS ABOUT Booking a SHoot?